
Human capital development 2022

May 1, 2022

Leadership Framework

In 2021 we created the current leadership model which defines our identity as leaders of the Ecopetrol Group, gives us cohesion and differentiates us from the leaders of other companies, through 5 stages that are manifested as follows:

  • We assume the responsibility of transforming ourselves, aware that to lead others we must first begin by leading ourselves. The exercise of leadership begins every day by "looking at us in the mirror", recognizing our strengths and taking charge of our growth opportunities.

  • We set ourselves apart by the way we execute our leadership to transform our collaborators to help them become better people and professionals and thus obtain the expected results.

  • We shape the organization through collaborative work and adaptation to changing environments by making decisions with agility, quality and timeliness that promote the organization's progress.

  • We lead by embracing the responsibility we have with the communities in which we operate and transform our environment by being an effective reference for the improvement and strengthening of society.

  • We are committed to the development of actions that allow us to transform our planet to contribute significantly and positively to its sustainability.

We have a leadership academy that integrates development and learning experiences for all the organization's leaders to strengthen their managerial and team management skills. We also stand out for the development of future talent through our new generation’s programs: ‘Semilleros and Altos Potenciales’.

Additionally, we assess the competencies of our leaders throughout a 360° methodology over 4 editions, ratifying the evolution of the assessed competencies. The strategy of assessing these competencies has been progressively applied to different levels of leadership throughout the editions carried out, starting with the focus on vice presidents and extending to managers and later department heads and coordinators. This is how we have increased the level of development of the competencies valued for a competent leader from 66% in 2018 to 97% in 2021. The overall result of the last measurement carried out in 2021 was 4.32.


Detail 360 valued positions 





% Participation

Vice President










Department Leaders















TOTAL: 552





Aware of the power of genuine and timely conversations between leaders and their collaborators, in 2022 the corporate strategy of continuous feedback was designed and deployed to all collaborators, through which it is possible for people to give and/or receive feedback on their performance not only from their direct leaders but also from peers, subordinates, customers and other partners. Thus, the practice of providing feedback on employee performance at any time of the year, along with performance management and the traditional 360° feedback cycle of leaders, allowed us to obtain the following results:

* 180 degree feedback (direct leader + other employees): 18.18% of employees.

* 360 degree feedback: 0.44% of employees.

For 2023 we plan to continue with the practice of continuous feedback and conduct a new 360° evaluation cycle for the leadership population, to strengthen the multidimensional performance evaluation strategy.

In terms of Individual performance, Ecopetrol has a consolidated evaluation methodology, and we are constantly working on strengthening the leader's capacity to improve the accompaniment to the performance and development of each one of the collaborators of his team and thus generally mobilize throughout the organization our cultural principle of leadership: "WE LISTEN WITH RESPECT AND SPEAK WITH CLARITY: We lead from diversity and inclusion". We have identified that this process should become an enabler of development and be integrated with other human talent processes that enrich a favorable employee experience in our organization.


Capacities - Learning

Scholarship program for master's or doctoral studies abroad

Cutting Edge Knowledge

The Masters and PhD abroad program provides opportunities to the employees to develop and contribute in new fields. 


Study Fields
  • Energy Resource Management
  • Enviromental Management
  • Earth sciences, PhD
  • Liability and compensable damage
  • Biostatigraphy program
  • Seismic Modeling, PhD
  • Tectonic and structural geology, PhD

Distribution of active international scholarship recipients by country of study


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