
Compliance to biodiversity offsets and 1% investment* requirements

Jun 28, 2024

Compliance strategy


Within the mitigation hierarchy framework, Ecopetrol S.A. complies with regulatory biodiversity offsets to achieve no net loss of biodiversity and adheres to the *mandatory investment of no less than 1%, enacted when freshwater withdrawals from natural sources occur, aimed at  protecting, restoring, or surveilling the river basin*. Such investments materialize through conservation actions that include preservation, restoration of strategic ecosystems and sustainable use of biodiversity, in collaboration with local communities, state institutions such as IDEAM, and implementing partners in the territory.

Activities include i) signing of conservation agreements with in-kind payments to promote the preservation/rehabilitation strategic ecosystems (e.g riparian forests, morichales), ii) acquiring private lands that encompass relevant areas for biodiversity conservation and delivering them to government institutions for their preservation, iii) protective reforestation with native species, iv) restoration approaches outlined in the national restoration plan (reclamation, rehabilitation and ecological restoration) and v) enhancing river basin surveillance through acquiring monitoring equipment and technology (solely within 1% investment). It should be noted that each of these actions are previously approved by the environmental authority and are developed in prioritized areas that consider national and regional planning instruments, areas of influence of the operation and projects, biodiversity information on a national scale, among others.

Ecopetrol SA biodiversity hotspots

Actions for implementing biodiversity offsets and 1% investment requirements


Activities developed within voluntary conservation agreements


Steps for signing conservation agreements


Some of the activities developed within voluntary conservation agreements include:


Biodiversity baseline and monitoring

We characterize the initial state of an ecosystem before the development of preservation and/or rehabilitation actions and track the progress  in biodiversity gains during the process, as a result of voluntary conservation agreements. These assessments encompass both, the biotic  and abiotic aspects of the areas of interest.


Fauna in conservation agreement areas · Glass Frog and Howler Monkey

Fauna in conservation agreement areas. Left: Glass frog (Hyalinobatrachium esmeralda) Source: Yeni López - Association of Casanare Scholars. Right: Howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) Source: Daniel Becerra - Association of Casanare Scholars.


Fauna in conservation agreement areas · Tapir and Spectacled Parakeet

Fauna in conservation agreement areas. Left: Tapir (Tapirus terrestris) Source: Ecopetrol S.A. Oriente Regional Environmental Department. Right: Spectacled Parakeet (Forpus conspicillatus) Source: Ecopetrol S.A. Central Regional Environmental Department.



Isolation of areas designated for conservation/rehabilitation along with establishment of in-kind incentives (silvopastoral systems, agroforestry, dendroenergetic orchards)

This entails the installation of isolation fences using materials like concrete, wood, or plastic posts, along with barbed wire or other fencing materials, around the designated areas for rehabilitation or preservation. Additionally, in-kind incentives are provided within the property to support these efforts.


Isolation of strategic areas subject to preservation and isolation of silvopastoral system for sustainable use

Isolation of strategic areas subject to preservation and isolation of silvopastoral system for sustainable use. Source: Fundación Natura.


Isolation of strategic areas subject to preservation Orinoquia Regional

Isolation of strategic areas subject to preservation. Source: Ecopetrol S.A. Orinoquia Regional Environmental Department.



Preparation and adaptation of plant material

To enhance rehabilitation success on the farms, we ensure that the plant material meets the necessary survival conditions, which vary depending on the species, planting density, terrain conditions,  among others.


Nursery for the production of plant material for transplanting in conservation actions

Nursery for the production of plant material for transplanting in conservation actions. Source: Ecopetrol S.A. Piedemonte Regional Environmental Department.



Establishment of in-kind incentives

Establishment of in-kind incentives like agroforestry or silvopastoral systems with the signatories of voluntary conservation agreements, to support conservation actions and sustainable use.


Agroforestry systems with cocoa and fodder banks for silvopastoral systems

Agroforestry systems with cocoa and fodder banks for silvopastoral systems. Source: Fundación Natura.



Capacity building

In voluntary conservation agreements, Ecopetrol S.A. actively promotes the development of local communities by providing technical assistance and socio-environmental training. These initiatives cover a range of topics including good practices in agroforestry tailored to crops like cocoa, banana, and citrus fruits, as well as practices concerning silvopastoral systems, animal health, and livestock sector regulations. These training sessions are led by experienced professionals working in collaboration with both local and national institutions.


Training held in Campo Gas Gibraltar in collaboration with FEDECACAO

Training held in Campo Gas Gibraltar in collaboration with FEDECACAO. Source: Ecopetrol S.A. Central Regional Environmental Department.


Training for students of the Cantagallo School on banana and cocoa crops

Training for students of the Cantagallo School on banana and cocoa crops. Source: Ecopetrol S.A. Central Regional Environmental Department.



Restoration actions in biodiversity offsets and 1% investment


Ecopetrol S.A. executes restoration actions from three approaches: ecological restoration actions aimed to reestablish the structure and function of a degraded ecosystem, such that it is self-sustaining and guarantees the conservation of its species; ecological rehabilitation, focuses on restoring productivity and ecosystem services and ecological reclamation, to restore the ecosystem services of the territory, integrating them with the surrounding environment (National Restoration Plan, 2015). By 2023, Ecopetrol has developed restorations actions in riparian forest, morichales and savannas ecosystems.


Actions to encourage seed dispersal · Artificial perches and Adequacy of substrate

Actions to encourage seed dispersal: Left: Artificial perches installed as bird attractants. Right: Adequacy of substrate for dispersal by physical agents. Source: Ecopetrol S.A. Oriente Regional Environmental Department.


Restoration initiative Tree planting Reviva La Primavera project

Restoration initiative: Tree planting Reviva La Primavera project. Source: Ecopetrol S.A. Piedemonte Regional Environmental Department.


Restoration efforts in Santa Helena municipality of Puerto Gaitán Meta

Restoration efforts in Santa Helena, municipality of Puerto Gaitán, Meta. Source: Ecopetrol S.A. Oriente Regional Environmental Department.






Goals in biodiversity offsets and 1% investment by 2030


Implement conservation actions (preservation, restoration of sustainable use) in at least 13,000 hectares at the national level.

Establish 15 hydrological / metereological stations in the hydrographic subzones of the Cusiana and Cravo Sur rivers in the department of Casanare in alliance with IDEAM.

Installation of a radar to generate meteorological information in two hydrographic subzones in the department of Casanare in agreement with IDEAM.



Compliance results in biodiversity offsets and 1% investment 2023


Signing of 177 new voluntary conservation agreements in compliance with environmental offsets and 1% investment in 2023, totaling 763 agreements. Examples of in-kind incentives within Voluntary conservation agreements by the Piedemonte Regional Environmental Department.

Ecopetrol S.A. actively implements conservation actions on 5,287 hectares through 763 voluntary conservation agreements and totaling 5,420 hectares when accounting for those executed with partners. Additionally, the company has advanced restoration actions on 793 hectares and has established 685,8 hectares for agroforestry, forest grazing, and bioenergy forests.

Installation of 46 new eco-efficient stoves in 2023, totaling 183.

An agreement was signed with IDEAM for hydroclimatological monitoring with resources from the 1% investment in Piedemonte.

The Eco-environmental Schools project ended with the intervention of 20 educational centers in 3 municipalities, benefiting 6,280 students in the Department of Casanare.






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