
Integral Waste Management

Jun 28, 2024

Strategic pillar


The Integral Waste Management is one of the strategical pillars in Ecopetrol’s Environmental Strategy. This pillar leverages and encompasses the adoption of operational and organizational measures to reduce, to economically and technically feasible levels, the quantity and hazardous nature of generated waste. All of this is based on:

Fundamental aspects of waste management


Strategical objectives


This management is materialized through the search and identification of innovative treatment alternatives and circular initiatives incorporation to reduce waste generation or increase its reuse in line with the circular economy model for Ecopetrol’s Group.

Strategic objectives Integral Waste Management


Strategical lines

Strategic lines Integral Waste Management


Information and competences management

Promote a culture of education and innovation in integral waste management, establishing awareness and training processes for all company members. The aim is to understand the aspects related to integral waste management, especially specific procedures, roles, responsibilities, coordination mechanisms, and legal guidelines.


Risk and analysis

Traceability analysis for waste management identifying actions for prevention and minimization during or at the end of the cycle, aiming to minimize generation and maximal reuse.


Prevention and minimization

This line focuses on the actions for a correct and integral waste management including prevention and minimization concepts, therefore they will permit to identify better opportunities and possible environmental or heath impacts. All of these through initiatives developments which minimize the waste generation and potentialize their reuse.


End of the chain

This strategic line seeks to Identify and develop internal and external waste reuse options for a responsible return downstream of the value chain; working actively with organizations, institutions and allies for common goals construction in management, reducing, minimization and waste reuse.




Strategical leverage


In 2023, MARS-E tool was designed and launched, for data-gathering of generated waste in the different operational and administrative areas of Ecopetrol, from the generation source to its disposal site, MARS-E allows the monitoring of Ecopetrol's integral waste management, segregated to the quantities generated by each waste stream.

This tool is a strategic leverage as it facilitates the evaluation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste management; pinpointing opportunities for improvement in management; also, it provides waste generation reports and manages the documentation that supports legal management. The information supports decision-making for continuous performance improvement, as well as the identification of opportunities for improvement in management and the promotion of circular economy actions and initiatives.

Strategic leverage Integral Waste Management






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