
Human capital development

May 1, 2022

Leadership Framework

In 2021 we created the current leadership model which defines our identity as leaders of the Ecopetrol Group, gives us cohesion and differentiates us from the leaders of other companies, through 5 stages that are manifested as follows: 

  • We assume the responsibility of transforming ourselves, aware that to lead others we must first begin by leading ourselves. The exercise of leadership begins every day by "Looking in the Mirror", recognizing our strengths and taking charge of our opportunities for growth. 

  • We distinguish ourselves by the way we exercise our leadership to transform our collaborators to help them in their purpose of becoming better people and professionals and thus obtain the expected result. 

  • We transform the organization through collaborative work and adaptation to changing environments by making decisions with agility, quality and timeliness that promote the advancement of the organization. 

  • We lead by assuming our responsibility to the communities in which we operate and transform our environment by being an effective reference for the improvement and strengthening of society. 

  • We are committed to developing actions that allow us to transform our planet to contribute significantly and positively to its sustainability. 

During the years 2022 and 2023, initiatives have been advanced for the appropriation of the Leadership Model throughout the Ecopetrol Group, as well as the implementation of leadership certification as a methodology to strengthen leadership by appropriating desired behaviors. In which certified leaders evidence and comply with the requirements associated to knowledge, application and results of the leadership exercise. 

We have a Leadership School that integrates development and learning experiences for all the Organization's leaders to strengthen their managerial and team management skills. We also stand out for the development of future talent through our New Generations programs: Semilleros and High Potentials. 

In 2023, we strengthened the multidimensional performance evaluation based on the practice of continuous feedback at all levels of the organization, enabling continuity in the feedback that people give and/or receive on their performance not only from their direct bosses but also from peers, subordinates, customers, and other partners. In this way, the practice of providing feedback on employee performance is done at any time of the year as an input to performance management.  

The multidimensional performance assessment for leaders was verified in the implementation of the leadership certification for 2023. Additionally, in 2024 we applied the 360 assessments to all Ecopetrol leaders, where we identified the level of development of the leaders' behaviors with respect to those defined in the leadership model. With the results of this assessment, we plan together with each person and the leaders the development actions. 

The agile conversation practice is measured based on the leader's management with each member of his team under the 1:1 methodology. This information is measured including leaders and professionals who, in their regular work, use a personal computer through which they schedule these sessions. In the case of operational areas, the 1:1 is more common, and the tendency is to have 1:1 conversations in a more informal way. 

The evaluation of team performance is evidenced in the measurement of collaborative objectives in the different business areas and in the assessment of the cultural competency: "collaboration: we are a single team" applied to all employees of the organization since 2020. 

These are some of the results in this area:  

* 180-degree feedback (direct leader and other employees): 54.5% of employees.  

* 360-degree feedback: 1.18% of employees. 

* Agile conversations: 55% of employees. 

* Team performance evaluation: 98% of employees 

Human Capital Return

Resulting HC ROI year 2023: 7,5


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