
Ethnic Information

May 19, 2024

In 2023, the relationships with ethnic groups in the areas of influence of Ecopetrol's operations were based on intercultural dialogue and support for regional relationship initiatives, seeking to maintain relationships of trust.

Click here to learn about the Guidelines for relations with ethnic communities (GDE-G-006).

Click here to learn about the Guidelines for coexistence with ethnic communities (GDE-G-006 Annex 3). 

Identification of ethnic group communities in the projects

Prior to the execution of any project that implies the possible materialization of new impacts and to ensure the exercise of the right to prior consultation, Ecopetrol requests the certification of origin from the Directorate of the National Authority for Prior Consultation – DANCP (for its acronym in Spanish) for prior consultation in an area of influence that, for each project, is defined based on the activities to be performed. The information provided to the DANCP (for its acronym in Spanish) includes: (i) description of project activities, (ii) definition of the area of influence or area where the impacts could materialize, iii) analysis of potential impacts and applicable management measures, iv) areas of intervention, v) description of the biotic, abiotic, and socio-cultural and economic environments of the area where the project will be executed, vi) description of ethnic communities present in the project area (when they have been previously identified in the area).

In 2023, 15 resolutions were obtained for prior consultation regarding 15 projects. Of these, 5 were submitted in 2022 and 10 in 2023. Out of these resolutions, the DANCP deemed the prior consultation mechanism inappropriate for 10 projects, while for the remaining 5, it determined that prior consultation was appropriate.

Additionally, as part of the protection actions initiated by the Bajo Mirador and Chicalá Pijao Indigenous Councils, the DANCP (for its acronym in Spanish) issued 2 resolutions in compliance with the court rulings. After verification visits, it was determined that prior consultation was not appropriate in both cases.

As part of the due diligence in Human Rights, if Ecopetrol identifies ethnic communities that may be directly affected by the activities of a project, the presence of said community in the area is reported to the DANCP, and the due pronouncement of the Authority as to the origin of the prior consultation is requested. In 2022, there was no evidence of the presence of unidentified communities in project areas. 

In addition, to update the information on ethnic communities in the municipalities of influence, a municipal update form is completed annually to verify the recognition or registration of new ethnic communities. 

Understanding of context for proper relationship with indigenous and afrocolombian communities

For engagement with ethnic groups that live in areas where Ecopetrol operates, the Company relies on intercultural dialogue as the principle and articulating axis of the process. Hence, in addition to the diagnoses on the territories that can provide relevant information on the characteristics of the ethnic groups, during the prior consultation processes, baselines are built with intercultural and participatory methodologies for gathering data pertaining to the community, which covers social, cultural, environmental, and cartographic aspects that enable knowing the context of the community to then establish measures for managing project impacts. 

In 2023, together with the Alto Unuma Meta Reservation- RAUM, social mapping activities, tours, interviews, among other activities, were conducted to gather the necessary information for the preparation of the prior consultation chapter of the Environmental Impact Study for the modification of the global environmental license of the Rubiales field. 

RAUM 2023 social mapping exercise (Puerto Gaitán, Meta).

The information gathered with the Alto Unuma Meta Reservation - RAUM was an essential input in the workshop to identify impacts and Management Measures. 

On the other hand, in La Guajira, a fishing assessment was completed with Wayuu communities in the coastal zone, whose main activity is artisanal fishing. This diagnosis provided an approach to the communities and knowledge of the fishing activity, which contributed to the strategic planning of offshore projects, and a preliminary assessment of the possible impacts on artisanal fishing activities, with a view to initiating a prior consultation process. 

In addition, in the framework of the prior consultation for the Orca-Chuchupa B flowline, progress was made in the prior consultation and opening stages, and in December, the information gathering process began for the construction of the baseline for the subsequent stages of the consultation process.

Finally, in other activities related to the Wayuu communities in the coastal area, a series of training sessions were held on topics related to the hydrocarbon industry, which were led by the Colombian Association of Geologists and Geophysicists, providing information on Ecopetrol's technical processes. This training was provided through 8 geofairs in educational institutions, and 10 workshops with local entities.

Geofairs in Wayuu educational institutions

Prevention and management of intercultural conflicts

To prevent intercultural conflicts, the main actions adopted by Ecopetrol are: i) compliance with environmental legal regulations, ii) identification of presence of ethnic groups in the areas to be intervened, and iii) conducting prior consultation processes when required.

Currently, it can be determined that one cause of the conflict with ethnic groups is the lack of clear regulations on the application of the prior consultation process, especially in operational areas that existed before the issuance of Law 21 of 1991, norm that embraces Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization - ILO. This situation has resulted in the establishment of an action for the protection of people's rights (tutela) by ethnic groups against Ecopetrol and other government entities, as well as its partners and subsidiaries. With respect to such actions, Ecopetrol has been respectful of the decisions of the judges and has been diligent in their implementation.


Table. Significant conflicts with ethnic communities







September 14, 2022

Bajo Mirador Yanacona Indigenous Council

Operation of Battery Two of Orito, Well 14, Well 5, Puente Palencia Well, La Sardina Well, Well 36, Pipe Crossing, and others in the Orito area.

The community argues that Battery Two of Orito Well 14, Well 5, Puente Palencia Well, La Sardina Well, Well 36, and the pipe crossing operate in their territory. In this regard, they state that no prior consultation has been performed.

The rights invoked have not been breached, as the oil activities are not conducted within the territories alleged by the claimants, but in contiguous strips; in the same vein, it is pointed out that these activities have been taking place in the area since long before these communities settled, particularly referring to the 1950s as the beginning of the exploration of hydrocarbon resources in the department of Putumayo.

On June 2, 2023, in compliance with the protection action and following the verification visit, the Directorate of the Prior Consultation Authority issued Resolution ST-0844 of 2023, determining that the prior consultation with the Bajo Mirador Indigenous Council of the Yanacona People would NOT PROCEED. The process was subsequently closed.

September 21, 2022

Chicalá Pijao Indigenous Council

Operation of Battery Two of Orito, Well 14, Well 5, Puente Palencia Well, La Sardina Well, Well 36, Pipe Crossing, and others in the Orito area.

The community argues that Battery Two of Orito, Well 14, Well 5, Puente Palencia Well, La Sardina Well, Well 36, and the pipe crossing operate in their territory. In this regard, they state that no prior consultation has been performed.

The rights invoked have not been breached, as the oil activities are not conducted within the territories alleged by the claimants, but in contiguous strips; in the same vein, it is pointed out that these activities have been taking place in the area since long before these communities settled, particularly referring to the 1950s as the beginning of the exploration of hydrocarbon resources in the department of Putumayo.

On June 20, 2023, in compliance with the second instance protection action, the Directorate of the Prior Consultation Authority issued Resolution ST-0900 of 2023, indicating that the prior consultation with the Chicalá Pijao Indigenous Council would NOT PROCEED. Once again, the process was closed.

May 4, 2023

Community Council of the Black Community of the village of El Porvenir - CONCONEPOR


Exploratory Drilling Area COL 5 - Gorgón 2 Well

The community requests, among other things, the protection of the right to free, prior, and informed consultation, as they consider that they will be directly affected by the project and the operation of the APE COL-5 and Gorgón 2 well.

The Community Council is located at a distance of 116 km from the project activities, so there is no direct impact on the community.

The Twenty-fifth Labor Court of the Bogotá Circuit denied the protection of the alleged rights, as it did not find evidence of their violation by the company. Among the court's arguments was the absence of irremediable harm being inflicted on the community and insufficient evidence of direct impact.

June 7, 2023

Caño de Loro Community Council


Puntarenas Community Council


Tierra Bomba Community Council


Boca Chica Community Council

Exploratory Drilling Area COL 5

The community requests the protection of the right to prior consultation and the immediate termination of the disturbing action.

There is also no minimum burden of proof that could foresee a potential impact on the social, economic, and cultural structures of the community.

The Ninth Administrative Court of the Circuit of Cartagena also denied the protection of the alleged rights, as it did not find them to be violated by the company.

July 11, 2023

Nuevo Horizonte Community Council of Black Communities of the village of Libertad.


Association of Afro-Colombian farmers for peace, coexistence, and development, the village of Libertad, of, municipality of San Onofre "ASOAFROLIB".

Exploratory Drilling Area COL 5

It requests the protection and guarantee of the right to prior consultation and participation, as constitutional and conventional rights of the black community of the Libertad village of the Municipality of San Onofre and the suspension of the disturbing action.

Given the location of the project, there is no evidence of any impact on population centers or municipal capitals, fishing, peasant, or ethnic populations.

The First Labor Court of the Circuit of Sincelejo Sucre declared the action inadmissible, citing a lack of evidence for the alleged violations claimed by the plaintiff. Additionally, the Superior Court of the Judicial District of Sincelejo, Civil Family Labor Court II, denied the request for constitutional protection

Source: Vice-Presidency of Sustainable Territorial Development, Dialogue and Relationship Management


Identified cases of violation of human rights of indigenous peoples during the report period

In 2023, no violation of the human rights of indigenous peoples was registered, considering that the protection actions that were filed against Ecopetrol for not conducting prior consultation were either ruled in favor of Ecopetrol, or verification of origin thereof was requested by the second instance judge, a situation that to date has not been resolved. 

In cases of non-compliance with the prior consultation and compliance with the obligations derived from the reparation consultations conducted, in the Rubiales field reparation consultation, the compliance with the agreements with the communities continues, a process verified by the Directorate of the National Authority for Prior Consultation – DANCP (for its acronym in Spanish). 

Company position relating to hiring members of local ethnias

The hiring of labor among members of Ethnic Groups is based on respect for the right to non-discrimination based on ethnicity in terms of employment, and it is regulated by the provisions of the Political Constitution of Colombia, in particular, Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization - ILO, which, in its article 20, sets forth the following:

“Governments shall adopt, within the framework of their national legislation and in cooperation with the peoples concerned, special measures to guarantee the workers belonging to these people’s effective protection as regards hiring and employment conditions, insofar as they are not effectively protected by the legislation applicable to workers in general.”

Despite the Government being in charge of defining an employment policy for ethnic groups, the Company must avoid any negative discrimination among workers belonging to ethnic groups and guarantee that at least the principle of bilingualism is applied, and that the cultural differences of each community, and their representative authorities are considered.

Mechanisms for petitions, grievances, and claims for indigenous communities

For each project, the communication and information channels that the community can use to communicate their petitions, grievances and claims are established and disclosed. These channels may include gathering of verbal claims, telephone calls, and written reports. This is equally applicable to ethnic communities; nevertheless, when it is determined that the communities require translation, a native speaker is available to gather such claims.

In 2023, during the prior consultation conducted with the Alto Unuma Meta Reservation- RAUM, as part of the modification of the Rubiales field global environmental license, the need for a translator throughout the consultation process was identified.

For the prior consultation and opening stages of the Orca-Chuchupa B flowline project, Wayuu translators have been used in cases where communities have requested them. Moreover, 18 petitions were received and addressed from 39 communities seeking inclusion in the consultation process. These responses detailed the project's scope and potential impacts on artisanal fishing, emphasizing that the determination of prior consultation lies with the Directorate of the National Authority for Prior Consultation - DANCP (for its acronym in Spanish). Consequently, these petitions were forwarded to the DANCP for evaluation, including the need for a technical verification visit, and a decision on proceeding with prior consultation with these communities.


Prior consultations underway, monitoring and closing

Click here to learn about the Procedure for conducting prior consultations (GDE-P-008i).

Click here to learn about the guidelines for preparing the participatory baseline with ethnic groups in the framework of environmental studies with prior consultation (GDE-P-008i Annex 1).

The prior consultation is performed to comply with legal and environmental regulations, as well as to seek concerted and informed agreements with Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities, managing the impact of projects that respect the cultural heritage they represent. In Colombia, the Constitutional Court, through Judgment SU-123 of 2018, has established that prior, free, and informed consent is necessary for the execution of projects that involve any of the situations established by the Constitutional Court in these three exceptional cases: i) transfer or relocation of the indigenous or tribal people from their place of settlement; ii) storage or deposit of hazardous or toxic materials in their territories; or iii) measures that imply a high social, cultural, and environmental impact that puts their subsistence at risk.

From the planning of the operations to be conducted, the possible affectation of ethnic groups in the work areas is verified. In case of verifying before the authority a possible direct affectation to the ethnic groups of the areas, Ecopetrol accompanies and promotes the guarantee of the right to prior consultation. For performance of prior consultations, Ecopetrol has an internal procedure in place, based on current regulations and on the analysis of potential project impacts; such guideline is updated periodically, as new guidelines are issued.

During 2023, the following prior consultations are maintained according to their stage:

Table. 2023 Prior consultation processes





Orca-Chuchupa B flowline



Modification of the global environmental license Rubiales field


Follow up

Remedial consultation Rubiales field


Exploration Drilling Area - APE Nafta


Exploration Drilling Area:


Samichay A 2D Seismic


EMP Modification - West North area polygon



EMP Modification - South Churuyaco Polygon





Source: Vice-Presidency of Sustainable Territorial Development, Dialogue and Relations Management

The communities currently undergoing prior consultations are listed below:


Table. Prior consultation processes underway, monitoring, and closure 2023

Consulted communities / Location

Ecopetrol Project


Stage reached in 2023

72 indigenous communities of La Guajira

1. Orca-Chuchupa B flowline

Prior consultation and opening of 66 communities, 6 are pending.

Pre-consultation and opening phase underway

Buenos Aires Community belonging to the Alto Unuma Meta Reservation

2.Modification of the global environmental license for the Rubiales field


Prior consultation with agreements protocolized in 2022.


Buenavista Indigenous Community

Coropoya Indigenous Reservation

Jerico Consaya Indigenous Reservation

La Teofila Indigenous Reservation

3. Samichay 2D Seismic.

Consultation protocolized in 2013. The project will not be carried out; therefore, the authority was requested to close the prior consultation.

Follow up

Embera Chami de Dachidrua Indigenous Council / Puerto Parra (Santander)

4. Exploration Drilling Area – APE Nafta

Consultation protocolized in 2014, now being followed up. Exploration project performed. Consultation agreements fulfilled. Waiting for formal closing of project to close the prior consultation.

Follow up

Sikuani Alto Unuma Meta Reservation / Puerto Gaitán (Meta)

5. Consultation on remediation of the Rubiales field: Consultation carried out in response to the order of the Council of State.

Consultation protocolized in 2019, now in monitoring stage. Consultation agreements underway. Follow up meeting held in 2022.

Follow up

La Palma Black Community and Cocosar Black Community / Saravena (Arauca)

6. Exploratory Drilling Area - APE Berilo: Consultation made in response to an action for the protection of people’s rights (tutela) order.

Prior consultation protocolized in 2019, subject to monitoring. This project will be operated by Parex; therefore, a meeting on prior consultation assignment was held.

Follow up

Camentsá Biya Indigenous Council and Pasto Orito Siberia Indigenous Council (Orito, Putumayo)

7. Modification of PMA Western Northern Area Polygon.

Prior consultation with agreements protocolized in 2022. Environmental authorization is required to start the project.

Follow up

Reservations: Cofán Ukumari Kanhke and Santa Rosa; Pasto Rumiyaco; Awá Ishu, and Nasa Uh. Liberación y Futuro Community Council / Ipiales (Nariño)

8. Modification of PMA Polygon West South - Churuyaco.

7 prior consultation processes underway. Waiting for definition of project continuity.



Source: Vice-Presidency of Sustainable Territorial Development, Dialogue and Relations Management

Pre-consultation meeting and opening for the Orca-Chuchupa B flowline, Indigenous communities of La Guajira, August 2023. 

Participatory baseline construction and impact analysis

Should the authority determine the origin of the prior consultation for a project, the corporate procedure is activated and becomes a fundamental part of the process; it implies the direct collection of social, environmental, cultural, and cartographic information with the consulted ethnic communities, after which, a document named baseline is consolidated. The participatory construction process of the baseline involves field trips to determine the general characteristics of the communities, identifying places of cultural importance, and technically exposing the operational scope of the project. 

This primary source data built jointly with the communities enables: 

  1. Determining and knowing the actual characteristics of each community and, therefore, conducting a particular analysis of potential impacts and proposing proportional, coherent management measures. 
  2. Thus, the communities can have technical information on the activities to be conducted, and they can express and manage their concerns.

In 2023, the baseline information gathering process was conducted with the Alto Unuma Meta Reservation - RAUM for the construction of the prior consultation chapter of the Environmental Impact Study for modification of the global environmental license of the Rubiales field. The process of construction of the baseline and prior consultation chapter was a participatory process that was performed jointly with the reservation community, through tours of sacred sites, social mapping exercises, filling out ethno-territorial characterization forms, interviews, and collection of information in the field, among other inputs.

Characterization chapter 12 RAUM 2023. Social mapping exercise (Puerto Gaitán, Meta, Colombia).

Sacred sites tours, RAUM 2023.


Protocolized prior consultations

On August 2, 2023, Ecopetrol formalized the prior consultation process for the modification of the global environmental license of the Rubiales field with the Alto Unuma Meta Reservation- RAUM. These meetings saw active participation from the communities and their representative authorities, being coordinated by the Directorate of the National Authority for Prior Consultation - DANCP (for its acronym in Spanish). The prior consultation process enabled the reservation communities to understand the scope and activities involved in the modification of the environmental license. They collectively identified impacts and management measures and reached agreements with the company, which were officially registered in the presence of the DANCP. Throughout the process, principles of good faith, interculturality, information, representativeness, opportunity, transparency, legitimacy, and participation were upheld, with a commitment to respect the ethnic, cultural, and political integrity of the communities involved.

Meeting of protocolization for the modification of the global environmental license of the Rubiales field in Puerto Gaitan, Meta, August 2, 2023


Fulfillment of agreements derived from prior consultations.

For projects in which a prior consultation process was conducted during its maturing process, consultation agreements were reached, which are registered in the Ministry record of the consultation protocolization phase. The agreements are binding for Ecopetrol, and their compliance is activated in the operational stage of the project. These agreements correspond to management measures to be applied so that the project can be performed while protecting the integrity of the ethnic community. The Directorate of the National Authority for Prior Consultation - DANCP (for its acronym in Spanish) periodically verifies compliance with the agreements in the field. Once the agreements have been fully complied with, the authority verifies and issues a consultation closure act. In the event of deciding to abandon the project, the prior consultations are formally closed, a process that is verified by the DANCP.

In response to the above, in 2023, no official follow-up meetings were held with the DANCP , while the relationship with the ethnic communities was maintained. However, the closing of the prior consultation was conducted as described below:

Closing meetings

From May 3 to 6, 2023, with the support of the Directorate of the National Authority for Prior Consultation – DANCP (for its acronym in Spanish) and the communities of the Indigenous Reservations Santa Rosa de Sucumbíos El Diviso, Rumiyaco, Nasa UH, Ishu Awa, Ukumari Kankhe, the Nukanchipa Yuyay Indigenous Partiality, and the Liberacion y Futuro Community Council, the closing of 7 prior consultation processes for the Development of the Western Area of the Putumayo Operations Superintendence - Churuyaco Polygon project took place. The closing of the consultation process was conducted because of the withdrawal of the project.

Table. Closing date of prior consultation process


Closing date

Santa Rosa de Sucumbíos el Diviso Indigenous Reservation


Rumiyaco Indigenous Reservation


Liberacion y Futuro Community Council


Nasa Uh Indigenous Reservation


Ishu Awa Indigenous Reserve


Ukumari Kankhe Indigenous Reservation


Nukanchipa Yuyay Indigenous Partiality


Source: Vice-Presidency of Sustainable Territorial Development, Dialogue and Relations Management

Closing meeting for the Western Area Development project of the Putumayo Operations Superintendency - Churuyaco Polygon with the community of the Liberacion y Futuro Community Council, May 4, 2023

Closing meeting for the Putumayo Operations Superintendence Western Area Development Project - Churuyaco Polygon with the community of the Nasa Uh Reservation, May 4, 2023

Closing meeting for the Putumayo Operations Superintendence Western Area Development Project - Churuyaco Polygon with the community of the Ishu Awa Reservation, May 5, 2023



The following is a map of Ecopetrol's operations, its infrastructure, and exploratory blocks, which shows the existence of Indigenous Reservations and lands called Community Councils. It is to be noted that there is no database that establishes the location of communities that do not have legally constituted land, as the Colombian Government must legalize the definition of territorial limits. Therefore, every time an activity is planned for a new area, the respective resolution of prior consultation must be requested from the Ministry of Interior, and the Ministry evaluates whether a verification visit to the area is required, or otherwise, it issues the administrative act based on its historical of their databases.

Operations in sites with the presence of ethnic communities or in adjacent areas

Department of La Guajira: the Chuchupa and Ballenas fields, operated by Hocol, a subsidiary of Ecopetrol, are located therein, as well as offshore blocks that are evaluating operational viability. It is the territory of the Upper and Middle Guajira Indigenous Reservation, Wayuu ethnic group, and some Community Councils.

Department of Bolívar: the Cartagena Refinery and the Néstor Pineda Maritime Terminal are located in the Mamonal Industrial District in Cartagena. Although there are no ethnic groups in the Industrial District, Community Councils and Zenú Councils have been established in adjacent areas.

Department of Norte de Santander: production fields are operated near the Motilón Barí communities.

Departments of Santander, Boyacá, and Arauca: the U’wa People are located in these departments, close to the operations of the Gibraltar field and its facilities. Several community councils of Black communities have been organized in recent years.

In Santander, Embera councils have been organized, which state that they have had settlements in Puerto Parra, Cimitarra, Puerto Berrio and Puerto Boyacá for over forty years.

Department of Meta: in the municipality of Puerto Gaitán, there are 9 indigenous reservations and one partiality. Neighboring the Rubiales and Mago fields, operated by Ecopetrol, there are the Vencedor Pirirí, El Tigre, Alto Unuma, Walliani, Domo Planas and Iwiwi reservations. With the Vencedor Pirirí, Domo Planas, and Iwiwi reservations, prior consultation processes have been conducted for the Mago Norte and CPO-8 Sur exploration projects. 

Department of Putumayo: it has received several ethnic groups that have arrived, either through colonization processes or displaced by situations of violence. In recent years, these communities have requested registration from the Ministry of Interior, which leads to their recognition. Thus, in Putumayo there are councils of the Embera, Nasa, Awá, Pasto, Kichwa, Pijao and Muruy peoples. Community councils have also been formed. The Camentsá and Inga communities originate from the upper Putumayo, and the Siona and Cofán communities from the lower Putumayo.

Department of Nariño: the Sucumbíos field is located in the municipality of Ipiales, in which there is presence of the Pasto, Awá, Nasa and Cofán indigenous people, as well as Community Councils with whom a consultation was initiated. There is also the Trasandino pipeline, on which there are Awá, Pasto communities, and Community Councils.


Ethnic strengthening program: Training in Diversity

Ecopetrol initiated the Training in Diversity program, which combines virtual and face-to-face sessions aimed at enhancing dialogue with ethnic groups. This program is rooted in the right to permanent learning, offering continuous education opportunities accessible to community members at any stage of their lives. It promotes autonomy and free access to information and training opportunities, leveraging information and communication technologies - ICT, specifically instant messaging chatbots, as an innovative tool to reach diverse territories easily, freely, and asynchronously.

Through this program, we established an effective channel to maintain direct and ongoing communication with participating ethnic groups. In 2023, a total of 583 indigenous individuals from 11 Wayuu communities in La Guajira and 3 Pastos and Ingas communities in Putumayo participated in the program. They received training covering topics such as cultural enrichment, political and organizational awareness, territory management, and self-governance. Additionally, participants received certification from Ecopetrol in recognition of their active involvement. 

Dialogue with the U'wa People

In 2023, Ecopetrol has maintained the relationship with the new Asou'wa Board of Directors for the period (2022 - 2025), to pursue the intercultural dialogue and the social investment proposals that have been planned for the benefit of the U'wa People. 

U’wa Thought Center.

The U’wa Thought Center is a commitment that, together with Asou’wa and the Government of Boyacá, has been planned, seeking to have a space where the community can perform activities to strengthen its own governance and cultural practices. In 2023, the center construction works started. 

Intercultural Dialogue with the Alto Unuma Meta Reservation

Dialogue and consensus with the Alto Unuma Meta Reservation – RAUM of the Sikuani ethnic group, adjacent to the Rubiales field, made it possible to change from being neighbors to being friends based on trust, respect for cultural differences, and indigenous self-government. This was reflected in the entire consultative process conducted with the reservation, in which dialogue, mutual understanding, consensus, good faith, and active participation of the community, allowed reaching agreements that were jointly protocolized under the coordination of the Directorate of the National Authority for Prior Consultation – DANCP (for its acronym in Spanish).

During the first week of December 2023, an intercultural meeting was held with the Alto Unuma Meta Reservation – RAUM in their territory. The objective was to strengthen the good relationship, the trust building and respect for the word, with authorities, leaders, women, and young people of the indigenous community of the Alto Unuma Meta Reservation – RAUM and Ecopetrol, in the framework and compliance with the strategy of integrated management of the territory.

Engagement activities with the ethnic communities of the Putumayo and Nariño Departments

Ecopetrol’s engagement with the ethnic communities close to the operation is supported through the dialogue that allows to uphold permanent information on the operations. This has also led to consolidating investment projects in territories where the ethnic population coexists with the peasant population. The following projects are to be highlighted:

Promoting traditional expressions through cultural, social, and environmental innovation in ethnic communities.

Support was extended for the celebration and revitalization of culturally noteworthy events within ethnic communities, including the Afro-Colombian Celebration, Intiraimi Celebration, Celebration of the Banner, San Bartolomé Evening, Uajjnayte Day of the Offering, Cofán Cultural Encounter, and Pawkar Raymi Celebration. This assistance to ancestral traditions was provided to the following communities: Alnamawami, Inga SumaIuiai, Yanacona, Chicalá Pijao, Kamentsa Biyá, Pastos Siberia Indigenous Councils, Santa Rosa Sucumbíos, Pastos Rumiyaco, Ukumary Kankhe, Ishu Awá Reservations, and Liberacion y Futuro, Nueva Esperanza and Nuevo Renacer Community Councils.

Kamentsa Biyá Indigenous Council Cultural Encounter

Rescue of cultural and ancestral ethnic traditions.

This initiative promotes the practice of traditional activities such as music and dance and is being implemented with the communities Santa Rosa de Guamuez, Pastos Rumiyaco, Santa Rosa Sucumbíos, Ukumary Kankhe, Ishu Awá Reservations, and Liberación y Futuro, Nueva Esperanza and Nuevo Renacer Community Councils.

Traditional activity Pastos Rumiyaco Reservation

Agreement for the sponsorship of artisans from ethnic groups within the framework of EXPOARTESANO AND EXPOARTESANIAS

Expoartesano Miami 2023.

This is the first version of an international handicrafts fair, which for three days aimed to show a sample of craftsmanship through artisans from the 32 departments. Ecopetrol contributed resources to cover the attendance of 4 artisans to the event. Thus, the artisans were able to increasingly position their products at international level, in addition to obtaining resources from sales. 

Craftsmen participation


Expoartesano Medellín.

It is a local craft fair that seeks to exalt the memory, traditions, and ancestral customs of Colombia through the exhibition of its products. Ecopetrol supported 7 artisans to enable their participation and permanence in the event. The result of this process is the visibility of artisan activities.


Craftsmen participation



It is the most popular hand crafts fair in Colombia, in which artisans from all over the country participate. In 2022, Ecopetrol supported the participation of 124 artisans belonging to different communities of ethnic groups from 17 departments of the Colombian territory, with the aim of keeping alive the traditions and ancestral knowledge of our country, in addition to promoting the nation’s cultural heritage. It seeks to boost the popular economy of the artisans through commercial connections at local, national, and international levels. At the same time, it promotes the conservation and transmission of culture and traditions.


Craftsmen participation

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