
Training and development inputs

May 16, 2024

In 2023, Ecopetrol’s full-time employees received an average of 103 hours of training, an investment by the Company of COP $4.186.453 million on average per employee.

Graph No.01 Training Man Hours (miles)

Graph No. 02 Average hours of training per employee by gender


Graph No. 03 Average hours of training per employee per year by level


Graph No. 04. Average hours of training by nationality of the employee per year


Graph No. 05. Average hours of training by employee's age per year


Graph No. 06. Training hours by type of training (thousands)


The increase in both modalities is due to 1. Cutting-edge Learning pillar in Ecopetrol 2040 Strategy that promotes a Learning Culture in the organization as well as 2. The World-class Learning Experience platform adopted in 2022, this platform provides the opportunity of self-development to every employee in the company.



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