
Management prevention and risk attention for health, Safety and environment

May 22, 2024

Health and Safety risk management (Safety and process Safety) are under leaders’ responsibilities, and it complies with a main part of organizational processes form decision making as it is dynamic, disciplined, and receptive to change according to operational business context. 

Ecopetrol risk management, top-down elements, and procedures to ensure efficiency of preventive barriers and mitigate threat, compensate operational deviation and potential failure of system components, maintain reliability under unexpected circumstances and protect people, environment, infrastructure, and corporate identity. 

Each danger from a facility, process, or activity, is identified and listed. Sources and consequences of sudden danger release are recognized, subsequently potential risk is assessed according to assessment criteria (RAM). The results point out and prioritize significant scenarios for Ecopetrol risk management follow up. 

Management has accountability for risk administration, while supervision role guarantee danger, threat, and risk knowledge. This role identifies and comprehend that risk could deviate the company from objectives compliance and for that reason ensure HSE management Systems it’s implemented and works efficiently, allows that risk remains under an acceptable range of control and warrant a proper communication of it. 

Danger is present at any activity, consequently hazard must be recognized (Electric, workspace, chemical, physical and others). The source of hazard must be identified as well as it could be present in people, activity, work environment, tools, and materials. 

Once hazards and risk are identified, the company proceeds to treat them choosing to avoid, accept, reduce, or transfer them. Risk assessments are done, and controls implemented. Below we list the types of controls: 

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