
Ecopetrol attained record crude throughputs at its two refineries

Dec 29, 2022

  • Last weekend, the Cartagena and Barrancabermeja refineries registered a combined crude throughput of 459 thousand barrels per day (bpd). 
  • As a result, Ecopetrol has secured a greater supply of fuels to be distributed in the northern and interior areas of the country. 

Last weekend Ecopetrol's Downstream segment reached a throughput of 459 thousand barrels per day (bpd), the highest combined throughput recorded in the history of the Cartagena and Barrancabermeja refineries. 

The Cartagena refinery reached a throughput of 226 thousand bpd as a result of the start-up and stabilization of the Crude Oil Plant Interconnection project. Likewise, the Barrancabermeja refinery registered a throughput of 233 thousand bpd thanks to the increased operational availability of its plants following the success of the scheduled maintenance activities carried out this year, which increased its operational reliability. 

This record throughput guarantees higher fuel supply levels available for distribution in the northern and interior regions of the country this year-end and represents a production increase of between six and seven thousand barrels per day, which has been earmarked for the domestic market. It also provides increased petrochemical production and of industrial products such as sulfur and aromatic solvents, which can be sold domestically or in international markets. 

As of November 30, 2022, Ecopetrol's two refineries recorded a real combined throughput of 355 thousand barrels per day. In December alone, the Company expects to close the month with a combined throughput of 427 thousand barrels per day. Ecopetrol will continue strengthening the production levels of its two refineries by investing in technology aimed at ensuring the country's energy security and the quality of its fuels under the strictest global standards. 


Bogotá D.C., December 29, 2022

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