
Econova Meta shall implement projects with information collected by the Chiribiquete satellite

Apr 21, 2023

The innovation center will be located in Villavicencio, on the campus of Universidad Santo Tomás.

This center will employ information from the FACSAT 2 Chiribiquete satellite captured from space to benefit science, technology and innovation projects. It will also offer incentives to implement initiatives connected to biodiversity, emissions management and climate change, among other topics.

The Ecopetrol Group and its open innovation network, Econova, stated that the innovation and technology center that will operate in the department of Meta will be built on the campus of the Universidad Santo Tomás university in Villavicencio, with the support of several regional institutions.

What makes the Econova Meta unique is the possibility to assimilate part of the information collected by the Colombian FACSAT 2 Chiribiquete satellite, launched into space a week ago in a joint mission between the Colombian Air Force, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and Ecopetrol. The satellite has a spectrometer, a device that captures images and specialized information that can detect the level of emissions in the national territory. This data would allow Econova Meta to develop science, innovation and technology projects that mitigate the impact of greenhouse gases, and other types of initiatives related to caring for the environment and the biodiversity of the region and the country.

“We are proud that the Econova center is now accessible to the country, whose focus is on one of our greatest national assets: biodiversity. In this center, we seek to incorporate the information captured by the satellite into our biodiversity strategy, which we characterize through our Iguana. It is a great opportunity to employ science, technology and innovation to benefit nature, contribute to decarbonization and continue to face climate change challenges”, explained Ernesto Gutiérrez de Piñeres, Vice President of Science, Technology and Innovation at Ecopetrol.

Econova Meta will provide incentives for innovative companies, researchers and entrepreneurs in the country to solve challenges regarding biodiversity, water and agribusiness.

Likewise, the center will provide experimental spaces and innovation ecosystems to develop natural solutions that contribute to decarbonization and will integrate cutting-edge technology to further the study of biodiversity as an accelerator of growth and a factor to increase the well-being of the communities.

The new innovation center will have two cutting-edge laboratories, one focused on environmental research and the other established in the Guarupaya eco-reserve, a biodiversity conservation area where birds and primates can be observed. Hand in hand with its partners, it will also provide a network of laboratories.


April 21, 2023

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